The History of the Dragon
First, it is important to see the animals behind the design. Amazingly, the dragon is embedded in cultures around the world. In studying the ancient civilization, one of the dragon comes in one form or another in the European, Oriental, and Iranian traditions.
Dragon certainly has some basis in real life. Look no more than a scaly lizards or other snakes and you'll find examples of the real world. How dragons become so ubiquitous in cultures around the world may be a mystery, but it certainly is proof of how powerful and exciting this mythical creature. No matter who you are or where your ancestors came from, the dragon could get into the way you define yourself.
What ARE Dragons?
Generally, the dragon is described as a reptilian creature. While they look different cultures, dragons are usually share the same characteristics regardless of what you learn the culture. In almost every case, these mythical animals are able to fly quickly, and the ability to spit fire, sending shock enemies. The combination of these two factors made the dragon one of the most fearsome creatures roamed the earth, so watch out!
Your dragon tattoo represents something different for every person who looked at. Besides just being complicated, beautiful designs, tattoo holds symbolic value as a way to express things that are important to you. In men, the dragon may represent the power, or wisdom. Many people see the dragon on women as a sign of cunning and Deviousness.
Things to Keep in Mind
It is important to remember that dragons can both help and hurt human beings. Dragon myth is often presented as a witch horses, providing transportation to and from battle. At the same time, the evil dragon dangerous creatures capable of destruction without much as a second notice. They can direct the heat melt the most courageous soldiers.
Maybe it's part of the dragon appeal; ponder these animals makes people run the gamut of emotions. Without more information, there is no way of knowing whether the dragon you see is helpful or harmful. In a sense, you are almost forced to investigate further details. It's one of the attractive advantages, provocative tattoo dragon: this instant conversation starter. Besides, is not that one of the reasons people get tattoos in the first place?
If you are thinking about getting another tattoo (or your first!), You should really consider the dragon as the chosen style. These powerful creatures evoke powerful emotions from tattoo artists, and you are sure to get out of the studio with a design that will surprise everyone lucky enough to see it.