You may have noticed the massive amount of ink which cage fighters sport in mixed martial arts events. Fighters have different styles of ink for different reasons, some personal and some related to fighting. Here are some common cage fighter tattoos.
Star Tattoos.
Star tattoos are common cage fighter tattoos. Star tats have a long history to them, dating back to men in the navy who would get nautical stars as a symbol of direction and finding their way safely back home. Some fighters have gotten stars for similar symbolism: safely and successfully making it through a battle.
Tribal tattoos.
Tribal tats are common in mixed martial arts. There's the warrior aspect to tribal tats which attract many fighters to get large and intense tribal designs. Tribal tattoos have specific meaning and history as well. Maori, Haida and Polynesian designs are some of the most popular.
Cross Tattoos
Cross tats are fairly common in mixed martial arts. Many fighters thank God after their victories, hence there is a lot of religious symbolism which fighters want to place on their body. Crosses can be found on chest, arms and even calves.
Flame tattoos.
Flame tats are common for fighters. They stand out and usually accompany other designs, but sometimes stand on their own. Flames can have many meanings. Fire can symbolize everything from rebirth to going through battle, "through the flames". Purifying or cleansing is another meaning which some fighters get to symbolize their discipline and dedication to martial arts and how it provides a cleansing effect to their lives.
By Chess McDoogle
Star Tattoos.
Star tattoos are common cage fighter tattoos. Star tats have a long history to them, dating back to men in the navy who would get nautical stars as a symbol of direction and finding their way safely back home. Some fighters have gotten stars for similar symbolism: safely and successfully making it through a battle.
Tribal tattoos.
Tribal tats are common in mixed martial arts. There's the warrior aspect to tribal tats which attract many fighters to get large and intense tribal designs. Tribal tattoos have specific meaning and history as well. Maori, Haida and Polynesian designs are some of the most popular.
Cross Tattoos
Cross tats are fairly common in mixed martial arts. Many fighters thank God after their victories, hence there is a lot of religious symbolism which fighters want to place on their body. Crosses can be found on chest, arms and even calves.
Flame tattoos.
Flame tats are common for fighters. They stand out and usually accompany other designs, but sometimes stand on their own. Flames can have many meanings. Fire can symbolize everything from rebirth to going through battle, "through the flames". Purifying or cleansing is another meaning which some fighters get to symbolize their discipline and dedication to martial arts and how it provides a cleansing effect to their lives.
By Chess McDoogle