Reality TV star Jasmine Lennard, is the newest person to get hooked in this latest tend. she said,
“Everyone in LA is having the tattoos so I just had to have one. I saw Lindsay Lohan had one and it looked so pretty I asked her where she got it. She told me to go to the Shamrock. At first I was terrified to go because I thought it looked like a branding rather than a tattoo.”
“The tattoo was red after it was done but I love the design because it’s subtle and you don’t really see it unless you are looking for it, which is the charm of the whole thing.”
“Lots of stars have them. I was told Kate Moss has white ink hearts all up the side of her body.”
There are some downsides to these white tattoos though, for one you absolutely can not have them exposed to the sun. Secondly, they fade almost twice as fast as a regular tattoos and lastly it is advised not to get a white tattoo if you have very light colored skin because it will just end up looking like scar tissue and not a tattoo. I will admit to everyone I just don’t know about this new tattoo trend. I think it looks like you have literally branded yourself.